SEND Offer
We strive to provide quality, inclusive education for our children in rural schools at the heart of our communities; working as confident individuals, in friendship and partnership.

Together we believe in providing exceptional opportunities that allow each of us to flourish, nurture our creativity and, by developing our talents and challenging our understanding, become the best that we can be...
Each school is a fully inclusive school that ensures all pupils achieve their best personally, socially, emotionally and academically in all areas of the curriculum (regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs). Every teacher within The Consortium Trust is a teacher of every child, including those with SEND.
Further information is available by reviewing our SEND Policy & Information Report and your child's schools SEND Offer, this can be found by visiting the school policies page.

The Trust's SEND Co-ordinator is Kathy Brooke, who can be contacted by email at:
Many of our schools and nurseries have their own SEND Co-ordinator too and you will be able to find out who is your child's SENDCo from the School or Nursery Office.
Many of our schools and nurseries have their own SEND Co-ordinator too and you will be able to find out who is your child's SENDCo from the School or Nursery Office.