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Winterton Primary School & Nursery

Locality Committee

The role of a Locality Committee is an important one. It is to provide focused governance at a local level and it is the intention of The Trust that LCs will have the highest level of autonomy appropriate to their Academy School. The LC monitors the Academy’s development plan and key performance indicators. It acts as a critical friend to the Academy Head and Senior Leadership Team, offering challenge and support.

The LC carries out its duties on behalf of the Board of Trustees in accordance with policies determined by the Trust Board. The act of delegation from the Trust Board to LCs is a delegation of powers and duties and not a delegation of responsibilities. The LC will work closely with the Executive Leadership Team and will implement any advice or recommendations made.

The Trust Board retains the right to review or remove any power or responsibility delegated to the LC under this constitution and terms of reference, in particular, in circumstances where serious concerns in the running of the Academy School are identified, including where:

  • There are concerns about financial matters

  • There is insufficient progress being made against educational targets (including where intervention by the Secretary of State is being considered or carried out)

  • There has been a break down in the way in which the Academy School is being managed or governed or

  • The safety of pupils or staff is threatened, including a breakdown of discipline

Where necessary, the Trust Board will put in place, for an appropriate period of time, an intervention board, who will be responsible for addressing the areas of weakness.

Members have three core functions:

  1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction

  2. Holding the school leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and it’s pupils

  3. Oversight of the financial performance of the school and making sure money is well spent.

The Winterton Locality Commitee uses a ‘named portfolio member’ structure meeting twice per term.   Members are allocated subject area responsibilities or other areas of responsibilities to enable the effective and efficient monitoring of the school and all activities.

This allows us to:

  • Effective discussion in smaller groups which supports greater challenge.

  • Prepare for and make an active contribution at meetings of the LC and relevant roles/committees as assigned

  • Fulfil the duties as delegated to the LC through the Scheme of Delegation

  • Champion the Academy School in the local community

  • Familiarise themselves with the Academy School and Trust policies as appropriate

  • Visit the Academy School both during School hours (with prior arrangement) and for evening events to get to know the Academy and to be visible to the Academy Community

  • Attend training sessions for Locality Committee as appropriate and convenient.

The current Chair of Locality Committee is Vacant who can be contacted via email at:

More information about Trustees’ information and duties can be found under the ‘Governance’ tab on the Consortium Trust website:

Please find the following information relating to our school's Locality Committee:

  • Particulars of Office;

  • Pecuniary, Personal & Business Interest Declarations for current academic year;

  • Meeting Attendance for previous academic year;

  • Historic LC members;